Given the choice, most people would prefer to spend their dollars with their neighbours and friends. They’d rather shop locally. The key for local businesses, then, is to give them the choice.

Of course, you and I know that local businesses do offer great variety, customer service and prices. But do your customers, and, more importantly, your potential customers, know that?

To win over shoppers who spend online or out-of-town, your marketing needs to overcome the perception that Powell River prices are higher or that the selection is limited. Or it needs to emphasize the importance of local service.

You have to do this in a way that doesn’t come across as whiny or seeking pity.

Begging people to “shop local” asks them to solve your problem – if you want to find success, you need to solve the customers’ problems.

“We support your kids hockey team – you should support us,” also isn’t overly convincing. It’s true, yes. But that vaguely threatening, guilt-inducing style won’t win you any friends.

Instead, be positive.

  • “Try it before you buy it.”
  • “Come see what we have in stock today.”
  • “Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back the same day!”
  • “Get your hands on a new (widget) today!”
  • “Free maintenance for six months.”

These are just a sampling of the offers that out-of-town businesses (looking at you, Amazon!) simply can’t give to Powell Riverites. No doubt, you can think of a list of things specific to your business that you provide that shoppers can’t get if they spend out of town.
Turn those benefits into a marketing campaign, and bring dollars that might have left Powell River into your business!