Home Grown food and farm map

Home Grown food and farm map

For our annual Home Grown issue, we produce a map of local food growers, and publish it in the centre pages of the magazine. This year we’ve gone digital, and produced an interactive map. Click on a farm, and the details pop up. Hopefully, it will inspire you to...
Reverence for the sisters in the struggle

Reverence for the sisters in the struggle

BY ASHLEY HULL I never anticipated the journey of discovering who I am as a woman to be so simultaneously challenging and fulfilling. From daughter to wife, student to teacher, mother to superwoman, it was easy to define myself based on my relationship to others and...
Vagrant Costa’s hummingbird gets birders buzzing

Vagrant Costa’s hummingbird gets birders buzzing

People have come from across the province and even as far away as Whitehorse to get a glimpse of a Costa’s Hummingbird that has taken up residence in the garden near Ken and Kathy Pritchard’s home and vacation cottage on Douglas Bay, at Donkersley Beach. “A fellow...
NO FEAR: Cycling Mexico

NO FEAR: Cycling Mexico

By Jean Medley It had been another long day riding the ridge of mountains that bisects the northern Mexican state of Nuevo Leon. We could have cycled for another two hours, but decided to stop when we saw what seemed like a perfect campsite. We began setting up our...