Finding the right fit: 6:15 with Mike

They say variety is the spice of life and this is especially true when it comes to fitness. It is easy to get bored so I am determined to mix it up this year. Mike Clancey is a new fitness trainer at the Powell River Rec Complex. He teaches a 6:15 class three times a...

Finding the right fit: Feb. 2

I didn’t think that yoga could be all that difficult. In all the pictures, serene looking people wearing spandex display a variety of poses, without breaking a bead. It certainly couldn’t be as hard as running or the gym could it? On February 2, I attended...

Finding the right fit: Wrapping up January

End of Run Tough signals start of yoga Today was my last Run Tough winter running class. I felt kind of sad as we headed out for our 6 am run. It wasn’t cold and the mornings are much lighter now than they were when we started at the beginning of the month....

Finding the right fit: Week ending Jan. 21

Eleven months: Finding the right fit   This past week can best be summed up as the week that was. I started out full of energy and enthusiasm. After eight days of exercising every single day I crashed. My body screamed for a rest! What are you doing? It asked and...

Why failure is good

Why is it that we are so scared to fail? Why do we want to protect our children from failure so much that we will go to great extents to stop them from experiencing this natural part of human growth? Not long ago, my 14-year-old announced that he wasn’t going to do a...