Fish for free
Inland Lake event open to everyone
A warm breeze, the quietude of early morning at the lake, the sound of loons. You, casting a line. The world is peaceful, broken only by the occasional fish jumping.
Have you ever really wanted to fish? Thought about it but didn't do it because you didn't have the gear or a fishing license?
Think no longer. Mark Sunday, June 20, on your calendar and drive out to Inland Lake to experience Powell River's free fishing day and family barbecue.
This is a great way for adults and children of all ages to experience fishing.
"We want to get the kids off the screen and into the green," says Sam Sansalone of Powell River Outdoors. This year marks the fourth annual family fishing day, an event that Sansalone created in order to introduce more people to fishing.
The family fishing day is a community event with Powell River Outdoors, the Conservation Officer Service, COEX, Save-on-Foods, Quality Foods and Safeway providing everything from prizes to food to barbecues to knowledge and volunteer hours to make this event a huge success.
It's run in conjunction with the provincial government's free fishing weekend which means people can fish that weekend without purchasing a license.
"It's to pique people's interests and get them fishing," says Sansalone, who supplies all the fishing tackle, rods, and prizes. "It does not cost you anything to fish. We'll even show people how to cast and clean their fish."
The fun gets underway at 11 am at the pier at the Inland Lake campground. For more information or to reserve free fishing equipment call Powell River Outdoors at 604 485-2555.